Monday, January 24, 2011


Sooo...For one on my Christmas gifts I recieved a few seasons of Greys Anatomy, and I'm sad to admit that the rest of my Cristmas vacation was spent with my eyes glued with fascination to the TV. As a watched the seasons I found myself growing more and more addicted with each episode, I was pretty much dreaming about Dr. McDreamy's hair!!! (ok not really, cause that would be really creepy), but still!! Well after Watched the seasons that I had gotten as a gift I couldn't just stop there, I had to go out and order the other seasons and see what happens with all the many love triangles! However, the problem with ordering is then I have to wait..and wait.....and WAIT!!! Eventually the day came when my seasons arrieved and let me just say, I was in hog heaven! Some might call me crazy...but hey, thats dang good TV right there!!!