Thursday, December 23, 2010


"I believe in manicures.
I believe in overdressing.
I believe in high heels.
I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lip gloss.
I believe in pink.
I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner.
I believe in kissing, kissing a lot.
I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls.
I believe that tomorrow is another day.
and most of all,
I believe in miracles."

-Audrey Hepburn-

Sunday, December 12, 2010

New goal!!

So I'm making the move from Provo to Orem this week (big move I know) and my experiences while doing so have opened my eyes tremendoulsly! While transfering my stuff from my apartment to my car I had a rather large load that consisted of an Ironing board thats a great deal taller than me, I'm a fairly tiny girl, a basket of heavy pots and pans, and two garbage bags full of sweaters. While struggling to carry this load to my car trying to keep my ironing board from scrathcing the ground, a group of guys from my complex sat there at the bottom and watched me as I walked down. I'm not saying it was their moral obligation to help me or anything or that they are bad guys. It just would have meant so much if one of those young men would have simply relived me of one of the many things I was carrying. Getting back to the point of this post...I swear I really do have one!! My goal is to find a man that at the sight of a damsel in distress(Cheesy) would go out of his way to help. To me a true gentleman with manners is ten times more attrative than a six pack and huge biceps. How a man treats me will always be more important than his looks and that is really what hit me today, I've been going after all the wrong things!!! One day my prince will come and I'll be waiting no matter how long it takes :)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

DeCeMbEr...nothin' better!!!

AHHH!!! Alright so this is absolutely, positively, for sure my FAVORITE time of the year! Here are my top ten reasons why...
10.Hot Cocoa
9. Winter clothes (so much cuter than summer clothes)
8. Chocolate covered cinnamon bears
7. Christmas music
6. Fires...fireplaces to be specific
5. Cozy Jammies
4. lights LIGHTS lights!!!
3. Everyone is in a good mood, who can be sad during Christmas??
2. End of semester!! Woot Woot
1. CHRISTMAS!!!!! Best day ever :)